Trees and plants make the poolside look beautiful, but with the wrong trees and plants, you can end up with a nightmarish situation that requires a lot of time, effort, and money to sort out. Specifically, when leaves fall to the swimming pool water, you’ll need to spend a good amount of time and effort picking the leaves out of the pool surface using a net. You will also need a good amount of money for pool filter cleaning services, especially if plants and trees with small leaves are located near the pool.
That said, you are better off with succulent plants surrounding the pool. They don’t leave a lot of debris and look amazing, especially if placed together in a number of containers placed in different spots. Of course, in order to reap the benefits of having succulent plants at poolside, there are a number of steps you need to follow, and these are highlighted below:
Before you start, you’ll need a number of containers of varying sizes. The containers should preferably be made from natural materials, although concrete and hypertufa plant containers are good choices as well.
Once you have placed the containers at different parts of the pool area, it’s time to choose your succulents. There are a number of good choices like sedums, kalanchoes, aloes, and sempervivums, which have evolved to be able to thrive under harsh sunlight, heat, and poor soil.
Next, add the planting medium. Whatever planting medium you want to add to the containers, they must be properly-drained and not rich. For many succulents, you need to add a bit of builder’s sand to the soilless mix. No fertilizer is necessary.
Once you have done all of the above, it is time to plant the different succulents in the containers. Normally, succulents you purchase are placed in nursery pots filled with rich soil, and since you will be placing them in many different containers, it follows that you first need to separate the plants from their containers, remove the soil, and trim off some roots and any babies attached to the main plants as necessary.
After separating the plants from their containers, removing the soil, and cutting their roots and babies, you should then apply mesh tape or screen over the drainage holes of the containers to prevent large chunks of soilless mix from falling out. Fill the container almost to the brim with the mixture of soil less mix and builder’s sand immediately afterwards.
Lastly, place the plants into the containers any way you like. Add a few shells and rocks, coloured glass, tiny mirrors, and tiny figurines to each container to spice up their overall appearances.
Succulent care is not that hard. They are like cacti in that they can thrive even under the heat and light of the sun, but unlike cacti, will require a good amount of moisture. A few succulents, specifically the hardy ones, do not need to be moved during winter, provided that the soilless mix does not get soggy and ample protection against drying winds is provided. For the above reasons, it’s safe to say that even basic plant care allows you to raise beautiful succulents, and this is what makes these plants worth considering for the poolside area.
For those without a pool, but are considering installing one you can find all the information you need to know at Premier Pools.