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Working from home definitely makes life easier - you don’t have to commute everyday, you save money, you can wear what you like and often you can create your own hours. 

But working from home doesn’t come without challenges. Distractions, interruptions, or even a few kids bouncing around the home, can drown your productivity. So what’s the answer? 

We’ve put together a bunch of tips to help you work from home efficiently so you can be super productive and still enjoy the great ‘at home’ perks. 

1. Dress for Success
When you work from home it’s easy to stay in your PJs or just throw on those track pants. Problem is, your brain can still think you’re in “chill out” mode. Instead, have a shower and get dressed just like you would for the office. That way, even though you may be working from the sofa on your laptop, or taking a sales call in your kitchen, it will help your brain recognise you mean business.

2. Stick to a Plan
No doubt you’ll have interruptions working from home. The key is having a plan so you can quickly get back on track. Create a weekly work plan and a list of important tasks that need to be completed each day. Tackle the 3 most important tasks first. It’s the best way to keep your productivity high, plus you’ll boost your self-esteem knowing you’ve conquered those ‘must do’s.’ 

3. Leverage The Cloud
Upload all your important documents to a cloud storage service such as Dropbox or Google Drive. That way you can log in from anywhere you go without worrying about having your files with you.

4. Educate Your Friends
Just because you work from home doesn’t mean your friends can chat to you whenever they want. Let your friends and family know the best times to contact you. If they have a tendency to drop by unannounced, tell them to call first to see if your home. That way, if you don’t pick up the phone they know you’re busy. 

5. Mix Up Your Environment
Working from home can be a lonely gig. To add some variety to your day and boost your creativity, make use of your virtual set up and head out to your local coffee shop or park. Leaving the house also separates work from your personal life, and this will help you switch off and wind down after hours. 

6. Create an Inviting Office
Setting up a home office that feels inviting enhances your productivity and energy levels. Ensure you have a comfortable office chair, plenty of storage to organise your stuff, and decorate your space with attractive decor that makes you feel happy to be there. 

7. Use Tools To Connect 
There are countless tools available today to help you stay connected with your team or office mates. Check out Trello or Asana for productivity, Hipchat for group chatting, and Expensify for tracking expenses. Google+ Hangouts is also an excellent platform to set up group meetings for free.  

8. Take A Break
If you often struggle with staying focused, take a power break. If you can, get outside and get active. A brisk walk, a few laps in the pool, or a quick bike ride will boost your energy and stimulate those creative juices.


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